Tuesday, May 25, 2010

By What Trees and Fruits Are We Known?

Taken from Matthew 12: 33-42 (NRSV)

"...for the tree is known by it's fruit." (Mt. 12:33).

By what trees and fruits are Christians known?  Are we known for harsh doctrines and dogmas that only lead us to intellectual pride, but not to actually living out what the Gospels and those doctrines actually mean?  Doctrines and dogmas in and of themselves are wonderful, but without taking seriously the calling of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of radical hospitality, inclusion and a desire to heal divisions within our communities and the church, those doctrines and dogmas remain just a bunch of intellectual discussions that mean nothing.

What if Jesus Christ had waited for the Church to define the doctrine of the redemption of the world before he had died on the cross?  What kind of fruit would Jesus had been able to reap and share?  Jesus did not wait for some council or committee to decide that it is time to welcome the stranger, heal the sick, raise the dead or to over throw the tables in the Temple.  Jesus did what he did, because Jesus committed himself to God's will for all those with whom he came into contact.  When the woman caught in adultery came, Jesus forgave her and set her free.  Jesus acknowledged the eunuchs (the homosexuals of his time) to be holy and good.  Jesus healed the Centurions same sex lover.  Jesus made best friends with the women of his time.  Jesus often had very harsh words for those who felt that because they followed all of the rules, that meant that the were privileged and deserving of respect and reverence.  And so, Jesus the Son of God, by the tree of the cross is know for the fruit of the unconditional and all-inclusive love of God.

What about the Church in our time?  By what fruit is the Church known for?  What tree is the Church clinging to, so as to bear fruit that will produce compassion, reconciliation and healing for those marginalized?

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people are also known by their fruits.  Because we have been keeping up the pressure on President Obama and Congress as of yesterday there has been a compromise reached about including a repeal for Don't Ask, Don't Tell into the Defense Bill. There is going to be a vote this week on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell this week. There are those who are very disappointed because the bill doesn't immediately repeal the law, but allows for the Military to conclude it's study and work to prepare for the transition.  I would challenge those who are concerned to perhaps see things a little differently.  We would not want for the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell to take place without some work on the part of the Military to be sure that the lives of openly LGBT people in our Armed Services do not face greater discrimination after it is repealed.  There may be some plans in the works so that extra safe guards will be made to protect everyone's interests taking place.  This could mean very good things, and so we should be praying for that to happen. We should also be challenging our President and members of Congress to see to it that all LGBT people are protected in the Military as well as in the public sphere.  We need to continue to push for the inclusive Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA).  The LGBT communities jobs bill.  And we should push for the full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

The LGBT community is known by the fruit of seeking justice and equality for all people.  This is our passion, our purpose and our God given duty.  All of us who are LGBT have been given the wonderful gift of loving others uniquely and whole-heartedly.  We should continue to be committed to seeking full equality under the law in as much as we possibly can.

As for the United States, we have a lot of work to do.  We are now known by the fruits of greed, corporate ownership and environmental destructiveness.  The thousands of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico that is destroying marsh lands, wild life, the fishing industry and people's livelihoods and beaches is outrageous. British Petroleum to this point has yet to do anything that actually stops the leaking oil, and the United States Government has yet to take serious action that takes care of the many people who are in danger of loosing everything because their careers and homes are destroyed.  Even though BP's Executive says that they will "return things back to normal" that amount of environmental destruction never completely goes back to normal.  We need our national and international community to take a real interest in seeing to it that those responsible are brought to justice, and that everything be done to stop the effects of this disaster.  Because our oil companies lobby politicians agreeing to pay the costs of their travels when they campaign, stopping these folks from continuing to endanger wild life and the environment is not going to happen soon enough.

Christians are known by their fruits, when we take interest in the peace, justice and equality for all people.   Christians are known when we are good stewards of the earth and of our time, talent and treasures.  When Christians are known for using our voices on behalf of the poor, disadvantaged and those who experience prejudice, then we are known by good fruits.  When we use the Bible to justify cruelty towards LGBT people in various ways, we are known by bad fruits that further destroy the Church and the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

O God, who on this day taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Day of Pentecost, Book of Common Prayer, Page 227).

Grant, O Lord, that the course of this world may be peaceably governed by your providence, and your Church may joyfully serve you in confidence and serenity; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  (Collect for the Sunday closest to May 25th, Book of Common Prayer, Page 229)

Almighty and everlasting God, you made the universe with all its marvelous order, its atoms, worlds, and galaxies, and the infinite complexity of living creatures: Grant that, as we probe the mysteries of your creation, we may come to know you more truly, and more surely fulfill our role in your eternal purpose; in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Prayer for Knowledge of God's Creation, Book of Common Prayer, Page 827).

Litany for the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

This is wrong.
Lord, have mercy.

This will be wrong for a long time to come.
Lord, have mercy.

We bless greed, and we, ourselves, are filled with greed.
Lord, have mercy.

We demand more energy for our homes, autos, farms, industries, war machines
Lord, have mercy.

We demand more plastic things that begin from oil: things big and small, things exotic, things expensive, things ordinary, things cheap. And, we do not know or knowing, choose to forget, that all these things come to us at a very high price, indeed.
Lord, have mercy.

And we have come to this.
Lord, have mercy.

On the souls of the 11 men who died in the explosion in the Gulf of Mexico
Lord, have mercy.

On the bodies and souls of all injured in that explosion
Lord, have mercy.

On the families, friends, and co-workers of these people
Lord, have mercy.

On the ocean, your marvelous creation,
Lord, have mercy.

On all the creatures that live in the sea
Lord, have mercy.

On all the creatures that live on the sea
Lord, have mercy

On all the creatures that live near the sea
Lord, have mercy

On the executives of British Petroleum, Transocean, and all other associated companies
Lord, have mercy

Bless them to understand and to acknowledge what they have done
Lord, have mercy

And bless us to understand and to acknowledge that we should not have made and can no longer make the demands we have been making.
Lord, have mercy.

Can we change? Can you change us?

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

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