Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are We Open To God Doing New Things?

Luke 13:18-30 (NRSV)

Jesus said therefore, 'What is the kingdom of God like? And to what should I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.' And again he said, 'To what should I compare the kingdom of God? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.' 

Jesus went through one town and village after another, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, 'Lord, will only a few be saved?' He said to them, 'Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able. When once the owner of the house has got up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, "Lord, open to us," then in reply he will say to you, "I do not know where you come from." Then you will begin to say, "We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets." But he will say, "I do not know where you come from; go away from me, all you evildoers!" There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrown out. Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God. Indeed, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.' 

Forward Day by Day has a great meditation on this reading.

Luke 13:18-30. Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able.

Jesus knew and said that living faithfully would not be easy. We who are young or middle-aged are going to know this in ways our elders have never known. Christianity has been an accepted religion in the past. This will not be so in the years to come. Why?

First, we are entering a highly scientific age in which there will be great and rapid change. The church has usually been slow to change—in fact, it actively  resists change. But now we must get on with it.
Second, the church is beginning to engage the world in ways which past generations have neither known nor approved. At times we seem to be living in days much like our Lord’s—the end of an age was approaching and a new era was being born. Out of the old religion of the Jews there came a small band, misunderstood, resented, and persecuted. But they lived a new and intimate life with God. The door to this life was narrow, but through it God brought forth a  new thing for his people. It appears God may now be doing this again. (1967)

I really need this meditation today with the results of the 2010 elections.  We in Minnesota are facing a terrible possibility if the recount process does not produce Mark Dayton as the next Governor of Minnesota.  If the recount process is not finished as of January, our present Gov. Tim Pawlenty along with a new Republican Majority in the Minnesota House and Senate will take the State further and further down the darkest path in terms of health and human services, as well as LGBT equality.  As a progressive LGBT Episcopalian, the idea of a Government both locally and Nationally that wants to take away the health care reform that we worked so hard to get what little we got, along with stopping the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is depressing.   Citizens United has wielded some of it's worst results that have literally robbed America of our free speech as well as our hopes of helping those who are usually left out of most legislative agenda's.   

The Tea Party had a message of "The Government is not God."  No, the Government is not God, but God can use the Government to do good and just things for all of it's people.  Helping those on the margins of society, who are second class citizens and helping people stay healthy, employed and safe is one of the purposes of Government.  God blesses and makes use of Governments that put people before profits, human rights before politics and the advancement of a good economy.   No Republican controlled group is even interested in any of the above.  That is why the results of this years election has such dire consequences.

What has happened is definitely a rebuking of progress.  Conservative religion has a way of self righteously proclaiming that they worship God.  Yet, as a result of their actions they wind up closing up the box on what God is wanting to do, and as a result misinformation and ignorance becomes the way of thinking, educating and believing.

What the more progressive Christian churches have been about doing is opening those doors so that people who were once on the margins of society and the Church can find a purpose and place.   We are stretching age old theologies and giving them a new meaning and understanding so that people in the 21st Century can in fact take hold of the love of Jesus Christ known throughout Church history and claim it for their own.  When the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America opened the way for openly LGBT Bishops and Clergy, as well as preparing Liturgies to bless same-sex relationships as marriages in those States that have legalized marriage equality, people of sexual and gender diversity found a place and ministry for them.   As Sacramental Rites are made possible for all Baptized Christians, the Church fulfills even greater the missionary work given by Christ.   The Holy Spirit's movement is much better realized as Christians become more inclusive.  

As we face new challenges as those who are challenged by diversity rebel, it is important that those of us who believe in the God of unconditional and all-inclusive love not give up nor give in to what has happened.   We have before us an opportunity to organize, pray, sing, and continue to educate others by telling our stories.  The road will be hard and long and there will be those who just will not be able to walk through that door of change with us.  That should not keep us from inviting others from considering not walking through that door with us, to show that change of heart, mind and culture is possible.  When we share the truth in love, we will win some and loose some.  Yet, it is still the right thing to do.

Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Proper 26, Book of Common Prayer, page 235).

Lord our Governor, bless the leaders of our land, that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to other nations of the earth.
Lord, keep this nation under your care.
To all who have executive authority and to all who have administrative authority, grant wisdom and grace in the exercise of their duties.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
To those who make our laws give courage, wisdom, and foresight to provide for the needs of all our people, and to fulfill our obligations in the community of nations.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
To the Judges and officers of our Courts give understanding and integrity, that human rights may be safeguarded and justice served.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
And finally, teach our people to rely on your strength and to accept their responsibilities to their fellow citizens, that they may elect trustworthy leaders and make wise decisions for the well-being of our society; that we may serve you faithfully in our generation and honor your holy Name. For yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Amen. (Prayer for Sound Government, Book of Common Prayer, page 821).

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